The Atherton Family Foundation aims to perpetuate the philanthropic legacy of Juliette M. Atherton, Frank C. Atherton, and their descendants by being one of the largest grantmaking resources in Hawai‘i, exclusively supporting charitable activities to benefit the state's people.
The Atherton Family Foundation grant program is designed to support projects that benefit the people of Hawai‘i across several key areas: arts, culture, humanities, community development, education, environment, health, human services, spiritual development, and youth development. The foundation prioritizes collaborative efforts aimed at addressing major community issues and systems change. Grants are typically awarded for one year, with the possibility of multi-year pledges contingent on satisfactory progress. Capital requests over $25,000 are considered once a year, with a cap at $200,000 for major projects, which must have already secured 60% of their funding.
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