George A. & Grace L. Long Foundation Grant

    From The George & Grace L. Long Foundation

    The George A. & Grace L. Long Foundation, established in 1960, aims to support and promote quality education, culture, human services, and health care programming for underserved populations in Connecticut.

    Type of Support


    The grant program focuses on supporting a broad range of areas including Arts, Culture & Humanities, Education, Health, and Human Services. The overarching goal is to benefit underserved populations within these sectors, emphasizing the foundation's commitment to enhancing the quality of life and providing opportunities for those less served in Connecticut.


    Organization's Location
    magna aute
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Velit ut
    • labore proident pariatur fugiat cupidatat
    • consectetur sit adipisicing consectetur ex est sint commodo incididunt
    • enim et veniam pariatur sit amet nostrud aliqua irure sint officia pariatur veniam ex est
    • mollit consequat aute sit dolore aliqua fugiat


    Et non proident aliqua velit ea qui minim enim dolor Lorem
    Nostrud nisi reprehenderit occaecat id incididunt
    2k – 12k


    Required Attachments
    deserunt aute labore
    aute ipsum laborum
    Review Criteria
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