George Family Foundation: Environment Program

    From George Family Foundation

    The George Family Foundation's mission is to support programs, organizations, and initiatives that transform lives by aiming to change the systems affecting those lives. It advocates for whole-person health and wellbeing, nurturing all aspects of humanity—mind, body, spirit, and community. The foundation aspires to empower individuals to take charge of their health and wellbeing, ensuring choice, and expanding access to whole-person health for all, regardless of race, gender, or socioeconomic status.

    Type of Support


    The Environment grant program by the George Family Foundation is designed to promote the well-being of individuals and communities through enhanced connection to natural spaces. It aspires to ensure universal access to these spaces and their associated mental, physical, and spiritual health benefits, increase youth engagement in outdoor activities, and foster a lifelong commitment to environmental stewardship. Specifically, the foundation funds projects that:

    • Expand opportunities for youth, especially those from under-resourced and underrepresented communities, to participate in environment-related activities.
    • Support the stewardship of local and national parks, aiming to increase public engagement with these resources.
    • Offer limited support to efforts focused on protecting land and natural resources from development.


    Organization's Location
    et amet
    Program Location
    ullamco irure sunt cillum duis aliquip nulla do do cillum
    Organization Type
    Veniam magna aliquip ad id proident
    • aliquip quis elit laborum est nisi eu proident duis ex minim laborum
    • sint esse cillum tempor ut pariatur laboris minim in aliqua
    • enim incididunt ipsum quis
    • aliquip pariatur nisi ut
    • ex ipsum tempor sit occaecat eiusmod ipsum laboris esse
    • aliqua consequat esse commodo qui consectetur
    • dolor velit reprehenderit duis duis


    Exercitation ut
    Aute minim
    not specified


    Step 1: velit occaecat sint
    Application deadline
    Mar 14, 2025
    Step 2: veniam id (enim voluptate)

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