George A. Ohl, Jr. Trust Grant

From George A Ohl Jr Trust Nect

The mission of the foundation is to provide grants to qualified 501(c)(3) organizations in New Jersey to support community welfare efforts, with the aim of improving the well-being of New Jersey citizens.

Type of Support


The grant program targets qualified 501(c)(3) organizations operating within New Jersey, focusing on programs that enhance community welfare. The foundation offers grants ranging from $2,000 to $20,000, with an average of 25 grants distributed annually. This support underscores the foundation’s commitment to bolstering initiatives that directly contribute to community improvement and the overall well-being of its citizens.


Organization's Location
et aliquip
Program Location
Organization Type
Dolore excepteur incididunt est exercitation labore
  • et exercitation qui culpa aute
  • elit laboris sint ut ad qui
2k – 20k


Review Criteria

fugiat pariatur irure aute eiusmod velit ea ullamco ea consequat nulla nisi eu pariatur adipisicing est id deserunt et proident magna enim commodo ea est eiusmod fugiat ut enim id magna sint ut minim pariatur laboris nulla pariatur amet in occaecat mollit consequat dolore eiusmod qui tempor mollit cupidatat sit est

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