Gheens Foundation Grant

“To improve the quality of life for the residents of Metropolitan Louisville and Lafourche and Terrebonne Parishes in Louisiana by creative grant-making and philanthropic leadership to meet the present and emerging needs of our communities.”

Type of Support


The grant program is designed to allocate approximately five percent of the Foundation's total assets annually to charitable organizations within the Metropolitan Louisville area and in Lafourche and Terrebonne parishes in Louisiana, honoring the preferred regions of Mr. and Mrs. Gheens. The Foundation aims to support a wide range of worthy causes, with a particular focus on public education and social services. Additionally, it has partnered with the Bayou Community Foundation to manage its grant-making activities in Louisiana.


Organization's Location
incididunt aliquip
Program Location
duis enim cillum fugiat sunt sint voluptate Lorem fugiat
Organization Type
Dolore esse ut ad consectetur culpa eu
Velit pariatur enim
Lorem commodo
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is at least -1
  • occaecat culpa in id velit et culpa
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Sit laboris veniam cillum exercitation dolore velit consequat
Quis proident elit
Ad eiusmod occaecat ut
5k – 450k


Visit Apply for more information.

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