Reasons for Hope MKE Fund

    From Greater Milwaukee Foundation

    The Greater Milwaukee Foundation aims to enhance the quality of life in the Greater Milwaukee area by addressing local needs and fostering community improvement through support and funding to a wide range of initiatives and programs, primarily focusing on basic human needs, community development, education, and the arts.

    Type of Support


    The Reasons for Hope MKE grant program aims to offer prompt response grants to support community-led initiatives focused on fostering social connections, peace, and community cohesion. Grants range from $1,000 to $10,000, targeting smaller, under-resourced efforts over a short term. Successful proposals should demonstrate an effective community-based strategy to advance progress toward promoting healing and restorative justice, supporting children, youth, and families, advancing economic opportunity, fostering safe and strong neighborhoods, and strengthening the capacity and coordination of violence prevention efforts.


    Organization's Location
    enim laborum
    Program Location
    ut exercitation aute
    Organization Type
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    Ad eiusmod cupidatat dolor
    Qui aliqua sit
    Nostrud aliquip id aliqua minim
    Pariatur ut veniam sunt occaecat
    In do
    Anim commodo ea
    1K – 10K


    Required Attachments
    culpa in
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    ad irure