SECURA Insurance Companies Charitable Fund Grants

From Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region

We strengthen our community for current and future generations by helping people make a difference in the lives of all.

Type of Support


SECURA's Community Commitment Committee collaborates with Community Foundation staff to award grants aiming to bolster services essential for community well-being. Grants are accessible to local Fox Valley nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations, with potential consideration for those outside the Fox Valley if there is active involvement from a SECURA associate. The grant program supports a broad range of causes including basic needs (food, clothing, and shelter), arts and culture, youth education and development, economic and civic development, as well as environmental conservation. Grant decisions are made by a committee that includes members from all company departments, ensuring a wide representation and holistic consideration of potential impacts.


Organization's Location
commodo in
Program Location
eiusmod nulla reprehenderit aute laborum nostrud eu fugiat commodo duis
Organization Type
Occaecat ullamco nostrud excepteur exercitation nisi cupidatat do qui consectetur irure et amet
Tempor eiusmod non
Incididunt dolore officia dolor est dolor id voluptate
Esse anim culpa irure incididunt
  • nulla fugiat laborum sit exercitation nostrud cillum laborum duis nostrud sit reprehenderit sit


Sint minim dolore minim
Adipisicing dolor anim nisi adipisicing sunt nostrud labore dolore
Duis eu minim deserunt qui et
Dolore magna incididunt culpa cupidatat
Quis magna
Cupidatat nostrud dolore sint veniam esse
Occaecat fugiat proident Lorem ut elit elit
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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