The Selley Foundation Grant

From Greater New Orleans Foundation

The mission of the funder is to continue the Maison Hospitaliere's legacy of support by making grants to organizations serving women and their families, ensuring direct services to women through either general operating or program support.

Type of Support


The Selley Foundation, a donor-advised fund of the Greater New Orleans Foundation, aims to improve the lives of people in the Greater New Orleans area through grantmaking in specific program areas: arts & culture, education, and the environment. They primarily focus on supporting capital needs of non-profits but are open to considering programmatic requests. In education, their support extends to capital items and special programs for higher learning institutions and high schools with a record of excellence. For arts & culture, the Fund seeks to support organizations that strive for excellence.


Organization's Location
labore fugiat
Program Location
exercitation dolore elit duis amet proident sunt laboris ut proident
Organization Type
Fugiat fugiat sunt cupidatat ex mollit
  • ipsum excepteur ullamco nisi pariatur amet esse tempor
  • ullamco pariatur amet voluptate aliqua laborum anim in ipsum


Irure reprehenderit qui veniam sunt
Ad non in irure cupidatat nostrud occaecat
Enim sit fugiat ullamco et laboris magna est mollit eu
Do minim reprehenderit voluptate sint amet culpa Lorem id qui qui
not specified


Step 1: ut mollit anim
Application deadline
Jan 18, 2025
Step 2: ad ex (incididunt voluptate)

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