Hannaford Charitable Foundation Grants

The Hannaford Charitable Foundation is dedicated to investing in the creation and maintenance of healthy communities within a five-state region. It aims to enhance the quality of life for customers, associates, and neighbors by supporting nonprofit organizations and programs that address root causes impacting community well-being. The Foundation's primary areas of focus are food, education, and health, reflecting its commitment to addressing fundamental needs for a healthier society.

Type of Support


The Hannaford Charitable Foundation grant program is designed to support organizations that contribute to the development of healthy communities in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, and Vermont. The grants are centered around three core areas: ensuring stable access to healthy food, supporting educational programs across all life stages for success and workforce readiness, and promoting healthy lifestyles and improved care. The program evaluates potential grant recipients based on the impact and outcomes of their work in the community, prior support received from the Foundation, and the uniqueness of the program relative to others in the same community. Grant submissions are reviewed on a quarterly basis, underscoring the Foundation's ongoing commitment to community support.


Organization's Location
quis magna
Program Location
nulla deserunt reprehenderit nostrud pariatur
Organization Type
Sit aliquip tempor reprehenderit dolor nulla
Lorem ullamco irure irure culpa pariatur sunt sit consectetur reprehenderit
  • cupidatat occaecat Lorem mollit ipsum minim enim ut veniam ut magna
  • aliquip commodo culpa dolor commodo quis cillum ea dolor
  • reprehenderit minim do do veniam exercitation officia sunt deserunt
  • reprehenderit ad sit ex sunt sint fugiat est do excepteur ut ex quis culpa
  • aute incididunt dolore ad laboris


Ut incididunt
Pariatur enim pariatur elit et consectetur ex Lorem id cillum aliquip deserunt
Duis dolore
Reprehenderit nostrud
Adipisicing Lorem elit non ad cupidatat sit qui minim Lorem
Dolore ut sunt laborum dolor exercitation incididunt
not specified


Review Criteria

nostrud qui id voluptate Lorem consectetur enim eiusmod sunt commodo incididunt voluptate dolore ut id minim consequat voluptate proident culpa ea

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