The mission is to invest in and catalyze collaborations, policy, and systems change that improve the health of South Florida communities. This focus is particularly on vulnerable, low- to moderate-income populations. Their vision is that all South Floridians have equal opportunities to achieve optimal health and well-being.
The grant program aims to support projects that reduce health disparities and promote health equity, with an emphasis on addressing the broad determinants of health. The funding decisions are based on the organization's mission, guiding principles, and an assessment of the proposals' details such as the need, target population, project implementation plan, and measurable outcomes. Preference is given to projects serving low-income and disadvantaged communities, with an openness to both direct programming and policy/systems/environmental change initiatives. Proposals are accepted on a rolling basis, with project durations ranging from 1 to 2 years and varied funding amounts depending on the project's size and scope. Short-term projects may receive expedited funding decisions, while others undergo a detailed application process.
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