Helen Greathouse Charitable Trust Grant

    The Helen Greathouse Charitable Trust aims to support charities working with children and persons facing physical and mental challenges in Midland County, Texas, reflecting Helen Greathouse's commitment to helping those in her community who are dealing with such adversities.

    Type of Support


    The Helen Greathouse Charitable Trust grant program is designed to assist organizations that operate within Midland County, Texas, focusing on aiding children and individuals with physical or mental challenges. Program areas include education, health, and human services. The trust follows a structured application timeline based on the alphabetical order of organization names, with two distinct submission periods to accommodate all applicants annually. This structured and targeted approach underlines the trust’s dedication to making a meaningful impact in the lives of those it aims to support.


    Organization's Location
    sit eiusmod
    Program Location
    sint fugiat exercitation
    Organization Type
    Et velit nisi eu nostrud ex
    • deserunt officia anim nulla eiusmod eiusmod ut minim nostrud fugiat mollit ipsum dolore incididunt laboris velit ut nostrud occaecat id eu sunt ex ex sint ex occaecat duis et ullamco labore esse ex pariatur ad excepteur fugiat est voluptate quis esse ad incididunt esse nisi duis nisi
    • qui sint officia sunt dolore fugiat dolor velit dolore laborum reprehenderit Lorem sunt nulla aliquip deserunt non laboris reprehenderit do eu tempor aute eu quis consectetur aliquip eiusmod sunt quis aliquip dolor sunt ipsum exercitation culpa Lorem id consequat ea quis laborum et cillum fugiat quis mollit
    10K – 30K


    Visit Apply for more information.

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