Herman H. Nettelroth Grant

    From Herman H. Nettelroth Fund

    The Herman H. Nettelroth Fund focuses on enhancing community welfare in Jefferson County, KY, through supporting children's playgrounds, day nurseries for working mothers, provision of children's books for public libraries, scholarships for local students, bird sanctuaries, animal rescue efforts, and backing for the United Way and American Red Cross Disaster Relief Work.

    Type of Support


    The grant supports projects that offer year-round programming, direct services reflecting the organization's social mission, address community needs with a demand, benefit underserved populations, and show measurable outcomes with a sustainable plan. The specific focus of the trust is equipping children's playgrounds, creating and maintaining day nurseries for working mothers, providing children's books for public libraries, providing scholarships for students attending the University of Louisville, creating and maintaining bird sanctuaries, promoting animal rescue work and providing support for United Way and American Red Cross Disaster Relief Work.


    Organization's Location
    incididunt exercitation
    Program Location
    sint commodo est
    Organization Type
    In aute deserunt sint tempor quis
    Organization Budget And Years
    Organization has existed for at least -1 years

    eiusmod ex consectetur duis Lorem excepteur culpa do et ullamco exercitation


    Aliquip enim anim
    Labore aliqua aute amet
    Minim ad reprehenderit consectetur aliqua laborum qui incididunt
    Eiusmod cillum
    Reprehenderit est
    Sint dolor consequat est
    Aute consequat ex amet Lorem anim
    Cillum adipisicing non consequat elit
    not specified


    Contact info