Armenian General Grant

The H. Hovnanian Family Foundation commits its support primarily to the Armenian community, both in Armenia and in the United States, and in New Jersey, with a focus on Monmouth and Ocean Counties. Through grants, scholarships, and program-related investments, our primary areas of focus include education, healthcare, arts/culture, volunteerism, ecotourism, youth development, entrepreneurship, and promotion of Western values such as transparency.

Type of Support


The Foundation funds proposals that benefit Armenians and the Republic of Armenia, in an effort to increase the level of engagement between the Diaspora and Armenia and that provide value and impact.

Areas of Focus

  • Arts & Cultural Preservation
  • IT Start-ups/Entrepreneurship
  • Leadership, Youth, and Community Development
  • Public Health & Emergency Response
  • Ecotourism & Rural Development


Organization's Location
USA, Armenia
Program Location
USA, Armenia
Organization Type
Charities in Armenia
Organization Budget And Years
Organization has existed for at least 1 year

Grant budgets with no more than 20% of project costs are allocated for indirect costs such as travel.


Operational overhead expenses
Non-registered entities/organizations
Political action groups
Proposals submitted without a sustainability plan
Grant requests used to produce something for commercial sale
not specified


You may submit applications every 3 months.
Step 1: Pre-proposal
Application deadline
Step 2: Full proposal (invite only)
Review Criteria

In addition to the outlined eligibility criteria, grant proposals that include these** preferred** elements will be reviewed more favorably, thereby increasing the chances of receiving positive interest from us. These include but are not limited to: 

  • Inclusion of a plan that outlines project continuity beyond completion of grant funding
  • Partnerships with other organizations that have similar missions to share responsibilities and resources which may in turn help fill gaps and eliminate duplication of effort
  • Leveraged funds already secured and/or committed to the grant activity from other (multiple) sources and/or matched funds from the organization itself
  • While not meant to totally limit the interest of the Foundation from funding consideration of other worthwhile projects and programs, grant requests that fit in one of our primary areas of focus would be considered preferable during our review process. 
Learn more

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