General Foundation Grants

From Hillsdale County Community Foundation

The Hillsdale County Community Foundation aims to make a powerful, positive difference in the community. With the administration of over 100 funds, the foundation focuses on improving the quality of life for the citizens of Hillsdale County through various categories such as education, fine arts, social services, community development, recreation, environmental issues, health, and wellness. The foundation seeks to fund projects and initiatives that address community needs, promote wellness, and benefit a wide range of residents.

Type of Support


The General Foundation Grants program, a part of the Hillsdale County Community Foundation, awards grants from named unrestricted endowment funds to projects aimed at enhancing the quality of life in Hillsdale County. These grants support a broad array of categories including education, fine arts, social services, community development, recreation, environmental conservation, health, and wellness. The program prioritizes funding projects that propose creative solutions to community issues, aiming to benefit as wide a range of people as possible. Additionally, the foundation manages a mix of unrestricted and restricted funds, the latter of which are dedicated to specific purposes as dictated by the donors' wishes.


Organization's Location
Program Location
MI (Hillsdale County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Educational institutions
Governmental units
  • Located in the Hillsdale County area or serving a significant number of residents within Hillsdale County
  • Organization can apply for new grants after the third subsequent grant cycle if they have received a grant in any cycle prior


Projects focused on brick and mortar requests
Projects without plans for alternative funding post-grant
Religious or sectarian purpose initiatives
Legislative or political purposes
Loan requests
Capital campaigns
Routine maintenance including office equipment
Administrative costs including staff salaries, wages, and benefits (unless directly related to program expenses on a case-by-case basis)
Education requests that replace rather than enrich school district operations, including equipment or educational materials.
not specified


Review Criteria

The Foundation prioritizes supporting initiatives that:

  • Extend benefits to the widest possible audience within the county.
  • Enhance accessibility to communal assets for individuals.
  • Investigate and tackle the root issues of community challenges.
  • Foster self-sufficiency and personal success.
  • Aim for funds that require a matching element or present a challenge to secure.
  • Draw in support and resources from volunteers.
  • Bolster the infrastructure of the private, non-profit sector.
  • Promote partnerships with other groups.
  • Enhance the applicant organization's abilities and resources.
  • Initiate new projects geared towards addressing urgent local needs or solving significant local issues.
  • Place an emphasis on preventative measures.

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