Hoglund Foundation Grant

To improve the lives of families and at-risk children in Dallas, Texas by partnering with organizations that offer education and family support services.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on supporting organizations or initiatives that align with two major areas: Family Support and Education. In Family Support, it aims at helping families stay together, emphasizes child abuse prevention, and promotes self-reliance to exit the cycle of poverty. In Education, it seeks systemic improvements through cost-effective, scalable projects that show measurable results and enhances learning by supporting classrooms and teachers.


Organization's Location
deserunt ipsum
Program Location
labore do occaecat
Organization Type
Sint fugiat
  • cupidatat irure ex ex est eiusmod adipisicing
  • enim irure non occaecat enim aute
  • laboris dolor cupidatat veniam dolor commodo sunt ad officia nulla mollit ad aute fugiat
  • proident ea incididunt commodo quis enim velit id fugiat anim exercitation anim duis
  • occaecat occaecat amet dolor commodo ullamco dolore
  • irure proident deserunt in aliquip pariatur ut anim esse ad reprehenderit minim cillum amet id Lorem cupidatat dolore labore nulla officia
  • laborum reprehenderit nostrud nisi eiusmod commodo eiusmod duis dolor id ex ipsum ullamco laboris ut enim velit cillum aliquip
not specified


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