HTR Foundation Grant

The HTR Foundation aims to preserve the legacy and lessons of the American Civil War and its historic sites through grants and support, focusing on preservation and education projects in Florida and nationwide.

Type of Support


The grant program guided by the HTR Foundation emphasizes the broad goals of preserving Civil War history and its historic sites. It supports specific causes related to the preservation of these sites and the education of the public about the Civil War's legacy, with a particular focus on projects in Florida and across the United States.


Organization's Location
elit ullamco
Program Location
Organization Type
Ad proident aute sit ea dolor
Nulla nostrud


Aliquip irure deserunt laborum minim
Exercitation id dolor sint Lorem Lorem
Non consequat sunt excepteur culpa
Eiusmod sit proident sit dolor eu
Velit nulla commodo exercitation mollit dolore commodo
Laboris quis mollit exercitation amet aliqua
Ex dolor quis adipisicing non officia laborum
Duis duis irure quis duis anim
Proident excepteur sint anim qui commodo anim ullamco anim sit id elit velit mollit commodo est
up to 1M


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