Hudson Community Foundation- Community Grants

    From Hudson Community Foundation

    The Hudson Community Foundation aims to support and collaborate with nonprofit organizations to meet community needs and enhance quality of life in Hudson. Its mission centers on making responsive and impact-driven investments to address current and future community needs, enhancing various aspects of community life both visible and behind the scenes.

    Type of Support


    The Hudson Community Foundation's grant program is designed to strategically invest in programs and organizations that improve the overall quality of life in Hudson, Ohio. It is a competitive process aimed at identifying and supporting initiatives that address immediate and long-term needs in the community. The foundation's grantmaking focuses on four main areas: Art and Culture, Historical and Environmental Preservation, Social Services, and Youth Education and Recreation. These grants seek to make a significant impact on Hudson's community by supporting projects and organizations that align with these interests.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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    Visit Apply for more information.

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