OEPA: Targeted Brownfield Assessment (TBA) Program

From Ohio Environmental Protection Agency

Ohio EPA establishes and enforces standards for air, water, waste management and cleanup of sites contaminated with hazardous substances. We also provide financial assistance to businesses and communities; environmental education programs for businesses and the public; and pollution prevention assistance to help businesses minimize their waste at the source.

Type of Support


The grant-funded Brownfield Assistance by the Ohio Brownfields section provides two core programs: Targeted Brownfield Assessment (TBA) and Technical Assistance. These programs aim to support local government entities in converting blighted properties into valuable economic and community assets. Funded by a grant from the USEPA, the assistance focuses on community projects requiring property assessment and technical help. Local government entities such as counties, cities, villages, townships, port authorities, and county land banks are eligible for these programs.

The TBA program offers property assessment services free of charge to eligible applicants, helping to address uncertainties of contamination at brownfield sites and facilitate cleanup and redevelopment efforts. Ohio Brownfields contracts external providers for these services, delivering a comprehensive report to the applicants. The TBA services include Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, Asbestos Surveys, Geophysical Surveys, limited Phase II Assessment, Remedial Action Plans, and more, aimed at supporting due diligence for real estate transactions, leveraging funding, and providing match for various brownfield programs.


Organization's Location
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