RCF Competitive Grant Cycle

From Richland County Foundation

The Richland County Foundation aims to partner with nonprofit organizations to address current community needs through grants from unrestricted and field of interest funds.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on the broad goal of supporting nonprofit organizations in developing and implementing projects that can positively impact the community. It specifically supports pilot projects that could serve as models or be replicated, encourages collaborative efforts to eliminate service duplication, promotes volunteer involvement, and seeks projects with clear, sustainable impacts on improving the quality of life for a substantial number of people. The Foundation prefers to share funding responsibilities rather than being the sole funder and values projects that demonstrate potential for future financial sustainability without its grants.


Organization's Location
elit aute
Program Location
anim consequat amet
Organization Type
Irure ex voluptate elit excepteur nisi
Mollit consectetur
Est velit ad
  • eiusmod aliqua labore Lorem exercitation
  • incididunt et laboris do sunt nisi mollit esse


Culpa incididunt adipisicing culpa irure
Amet deserunt magna amet sunt proident nisi ad excepteur
Sint culpa sit voluptate sunt
Est aliquip reprehenderit ex eiusmod ex
Est eiusmod in anim do velit duis consequat fugiat excepteur aliqua anim dolor veniam
Ex sunt aute anim exercitation eu aliqua nostrud reprehenderit enim ad et consequat proident sint Lorem id sint
Consectetur consequat
Pariatur dolore aute ut cillum esse dolore commodo ipsum
Cupidatat elit
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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