RCF Competitive Grant Cycle

From Richland County Foundation

The Richland County Foundation aims to partner with nonprofit organizations to address current community needs through grants from unrestricted and field of interest funds.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on the broad goal of supporting nonprofit organizations in developing and implementing projects that can positively impact the community. It specifically supports pilot projects that could serve as models or be replicated, encourages collaborative efforts to eliminate service duplication, promotes volunteer involvement, and seeks projects with clear, sustainable impacts on improving the quality of life for a substantial number of people. The Foundation prefers to share funding responsibilities rather than being the sole funder and values projects that demonstrate potential for future financial sustainability without its grants.


Organization's Location
Program Location
OH (Richland County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Government entities
Nonprofit medical facilities
  • Partner with the Foundation
  • Provide charitable programs to Richland County residents


Sectarian activities of religious organizations
Operating expenses for annual drives or to eliminate debt
Medical, scientific, or academic research
Individuals (other than for college scholarships)
Travel for conferences, or travel for groups such as bands, sports teams, and classes
Capital improvements to buildings and property not owned by the organization or not covered by a long-term lease
Computer systems
Projects that taxpayers support or are expected to support
Political issues.
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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