The Huey and Angelina Wilson Foundation aims to act as a catalyst for place-based collaboration, focusing on improving outcomes for children and families in North Baton Rouge. Emphasizing place as essential to thriving communities, the foundation focuses on areas rich in history and culture yet facing social and economic challenges. Its mission includes prioritizing certain ZIP codes within its 10-parish service area, addressing issues related to transit, crime, and income due to disinvestment.
The Empower Grant supports projects and programs that aim to improve the lives of individuals and families in North Baton Rouge, focusing on housing, education, community wellness, and economic vitality. The grant program operates on two application cycles: a Spring cycle targeting specific ZIP codes and a Fall cycle for place-based projects within neighborhood schools. It seeks to make transformative impacts through direct service, partnerships and collaborations, systems change, and capital investments. Applicants must demonstrate intentionality in serving focused communities, value community engagement, and possess the capacity for implementation and evaluation of their projects.
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