Inez Duff Bishop Charitable Trust Grant

The mission of the Inez Duff Bishop Charitable Trust is to support a broad range of activities, with a focus on providing assistance for the visually impaired, as well as offering hospital and medical care for those who are in financial need. This mission is aimed at bringing humanitarian blessings to people, particularly within the locales of Charlottesville or Albemarle County, Virginia.

Type of Support


The grant program initiated by the Inez Duff Bishop Charitable Trust aims to support charitable organizations operating in Charlottesville or Albemarle County, Virginia. The program backs a wide spectrum of activities across various program areas, including arts, culture, humanities, education, environment, animals, health, human services, public/society benefit, and religion. While maintaining a broad scope, the trust especially prioritizes organizations that aid the visually impaired and those underprivileged requiring hospital and medical care.


Organization's Location
sunt deserunt
Program Location
labore et cillum exercitation occaecat
Organization Type
Qui consectetur proident eu laboris esse laboris nisi elit et Lorem Lorem non dolore

pariatur voluptate sunt nostrud reprehenderit et Lorem elit laboris reprehenderit Lorem minim cillum eiusmod proident non Lorem adipisicing dolor

1k – 3k


Review Criteria

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