The Cameron Foundation aims to transform the Tri-Cities and surrounding counties into a region that is healthy, vibrant, and economically robust. They achieve this by leveraging resources strategically for maximum community impact in areas including Petersburg, Colonial Heights, and Hopewell; the counties of Dinwiddie, Prince George, and Sussex; and part of Chesterfield County lying south of Route 10.
The Cameron Foundation's General Grants program focuses on a broad range of goals, supporting projects or programs, operational needs, and capital initiatives. The Foundation adjusts its grant priorities based on learning from past grants and emerging community needs, as highlighted by periodic needs assessments. Its funding interests span across six main categories:
Health Care: Supporting access to primary health services for underserved populations, including improvements to health infrastructure and technological advancements. Priority areas include access to health services, behavioral health, prevention services/health education, and child health/K-12 health.
Human Services: Funding programs that provide for basic human needs and promote children, youth, and adult development to enhance quality of life. This includes support for food pantries, emergency shelters, and programs addressing family and youth issues, as well as senior support services.
Community & Economic Development: Advocating for a holistic approach to revitalizing neighborhoods, workforce development, and expanding economic development capacity. This includes supporting jobs training, quality affordable housing, and strategies that attract business investment.
Education: Commitment to improving education outcomes through support for early childhood education, quality of K-12 education, teacher preparation, and college and career readiness initiatives.
Historic Preservation & Conservation: Supporting the preservation of historic sites and conservation efforts that protect natural resources, understanding their role in community development and environmental quality.
Arts & Culture: Encouraging the integration of arts and culture in community revitalization, arts education, expanding audiences for arts organizations, and the importance of cultural institutions for community well-being.
Grant applicants can find more detailed information and apply through the Foundation's designated processes, reflecting its commitment to responding to the evolving needs and opportunities within its service area.
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