IPS Research Grants

    From International Primatological Society

    The International Primatological Society aims to support non-human primatological research globally, foster collaboration among international scientists in this field, and advocate for the conservation of all primate species. It is dedicated to scientific, educational, and charitable purposes.

    Type of Support


    The grant program by the IPS Research Committee is designed to fund primate-oriented research projects with a significant theoretical foundation. These projects may be undertaken either in the field or in captivity. A key aspect of the program is its support for research that incorporates community conservation efforts, for which additional funding is available through the Conservation through Community Involvement (CCI) award. The grants aim to facilitate primate research that contributes to the field's overall knowledge base, benefiting both the primates studied and the communities involved in or impacted by the research.


    Organization's Location
    laboris do
    Program Location
    Organization Type
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    up to 1.5K


    Contact info
    Jane Doe
    Review Criteria