Percy Sladen Memorial Fund Grants

From The Linnean Society of London

The Linnean Society of London, founded in 1788, aims to understand, value, and protect nature. Its vision is achieved through informing, involving, and inspiring people about nature's significance, utilizing its unique collections, events, and publications. The Society promotes interdisciplinary learning, engaging diverse communities in discussions on natural history, including taxonomy, evolutionary biology, and ecology. It supports addressing urgent environmental issues such as climate change and biodiversity loss, aligning with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Type of Support


The grant provides support for field work abroad in the life and earth sciences, targeting individual research projects rather than expeditions, undergraduate studies, or research undertaken as part of PhD or Masters qualifications. The aim is to fund projects that require the applicant to work outside of their usual country of residence, with a clear focus away from academic studies and towards practical field research.


Organization's Location
magna dolor
Program Location
Organization Type
Pariatur cupidatat
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Eiusmod nisi in magna officia qui eiusmod mollit deserunt quis mollit
Laborum labore
up to 2k


Contact info
Jane Doe