Isaac H. Tuttle Fund Grant

The mission of the Isaac H. Tuttle Fund is to provide for the temporal and spiritual welfare of aged persons. It provides direct financial support to individuals and not-for-profit community-based organizations that offer services to seniors in Manhattan, New York. The goal is to enable older persons to continue living in their homes as long as they are physically and mentally able.

Type of Support


Tuttle Fund grants are categorized into two programs. The Stipendiary Program provides financial assistance to elderly individuals in Manhattan who have made positive contributions to their communities and whose assets have been reduced over time due to illness, inflation, and other factors. This program also involves collaboration with case management agencies to offer comprehensive social services, including assistance in accessing public benefits and entitlements. The Grants to Organizations Program awards grants to organizations and programs addressing the unmet needs of the elderly in Manhattan, focusing on services that enable seniors to continue living at home and enhance their daily lives. This includes providing general and specific program support to agencies directly assisting elderly individuals in Manhattan.


Organization's Location
in pariatur
Program Location
mollit magna exercitation qui
Organization Type
  • esse eu ex est incididunt
  • dolore adipisicing elit cupidatat minim velit nisi in aliquip ex incididunt irure exercitation aute
  • minim irure fugiat laboris elit magna aliqua in excepteur ut nostrud sunt proident dolor
  • nulla dolore nulla excepteur nulla nostrud ullamco ad sunt veniam enim commodo eiusmod
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  • tempor exercitation aute et labore magna est duis sunt nostrud est aliqua incididunt in


Amet nulla non adipisicing exercitation excepteur officia
up to 40k


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