Samuels Foundation: Healthy Aging Grant Program

The Foundation's health care program aims to enhance the health care and overall quality of life for the elderly in New York City, assessing its success by the positive changes seen in the lives of individuals.

Type of Support


The Foundation's Healthy Aging Program is dedicated to funding initiatives that benefit New York City's older adults through patient-based and social service activities. It primarily supports projects that increase service accessibility for the acutely or chronically ill and those needing palliative care, foster measurable improvements in quality of life, find more cost-effective service delivery methods, serve underserved populations (including immigrants and the economically disadvantaged), enhance the ability of older adults to stay at home thus delaying institutional care, and improve the care quality in long-term facilities. The Foundation seeks to fund programs that change provider or consumer behavior, address immediate needs or prepare for future ones, and demonstrate potential for sustainability and independence from Foundation support. Priority is given to sustainable initiatives that can generate ongoing revenue, leverage reimbursement from entitlement programs, reduce service delivery costs, or show evidence of future funding prospects.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
Aute veniam cillum eu
  • fugiat id proident ea adipisicing amet in Lorem cupidatat qui
  • in officia cupidatat pariatur enim reprehenderit magna
  • esse officia nisi tempor anim aliquip fugiat labore culpa nostrud pariatur tempor
  • ullamco proident cupidatat reprehenderit magna elit deserunt Lorem irure consectetur voluptate ex cupidatat occaecat sunt
  • esse excepteur mollit Lorem aute occaecat elit dolor reprehenderit est
  • labore sunt enim nisi ea sint id dolor
  • ipsum fugiat aute officia mollit dolore dolor nisi


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Cupidatat officia laborum nisi minim nisi ad aliquip
Reprehenderit aute nulla consectetur cillum magna irure reprehenderit dolore occaecat ad
not specified


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