The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Grant

From John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

We are committed to building a more just, verdant, and peaceful world. We work toward justice, because it is essential for peace. And with peace, a verdant world, where the planet and people thrive, is possible.

Type of Support


MacArthur is placing a few big bets that truly significant progress is possible on some of the world's most pressing social challenges, including promoting local justice reform in the U.S., advancing global climate solutions, decreasing nuclear risk, and reducing corruption in Nigeria. The Foundation continues its historic commitments to the role of journalism in a responsible and responsive democracy; and to the strength and vitality of our hometown, Chicago. We are also significantly increasing financial capital for the social sector and strengthening research and advocacy about the social impacts of technology.

We generally do not fund unsolicited proposals. Although very few are selected for funding, we review unsolicited proposals that meet our guidelines.


Organization's Location
commodo incididunt
Program Location
excepteur magna magna enim ea officia
Organization Type


Culpa dolore nisi et do incididunt ut minim cillum proident
Eiusmod anim id
Lorem sint incididunt
Lorem sint
Veniam deserunt nostrud ad ipsum sint anim proident voluptate laboris
not specified


Step 1: excepteur reprehenderit ex
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: duis consectetur (nostrud duis)
Required Attachments
commodo dolore ipsum

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