UFP Industries Foundation Grant

The UFP Industries Foundation seeks to foster independence and accountability in the people and organizations we assist, while building healthy communities where we work and live.

Type of Support


Through our charitable giving and volunteerism, we encourage:

  • Opportunity and self-improvement by funding programs that promote values and notions we cherish, such as a strong work ethic, determination, entrepreneurialism, freedom, integrity and knowledge
  • A free society by funding programs that support and promote free enterprise and the virtues of independence and accountability
  • Capitalism by helping those in need who can’t help themselves, and by providing assistance to those who need a springboard to a life of independence and personal responsibility
  • A healthy natural environment by supporting long-term, pragmatic solutions that address real environmental challenges


Organization's Location
voluptate deserunt
Program Location
Organization Type
not specified


Contact info
(555) 555-5555
aute enim qui pariatur in amet sunt voluptate esse deserunt ex
Review Criteria

in cillum aute ex aliqua exercitation duis incididunt commodo

  • tempor enim ex esse adipisicing sunt amet anim laboris laborum reprehenderit cupidatat adipisicing laboris non ullamco ex ad dolor magna laboris culpa magna
  • fugiat nulla tempor tempor nisi dolore labore in deserunt esse ut sint ut et eiusmod qui aliquip irure
  • reprehenderit ipsum mollit aliquip reprehenderit dolore officia adipisicing qui id veniam Lorem nisi Lorem commodo id do ipsum ullamco reprehenderit occaecat
  • deserunt voluptate non nostrud voluptate nisi laborum voluptate non
  • eiusmod velit proident mollit enim qui aliqua proident
  • minim commodo amet sit ut in enim tempor laborum adipisicing veniam consectetur voluptate nisi nisi Lorem ex sint nulla
  • eiusmod et nulla ullamco fugiat magna aliqua ipsum fugiat deserunt ex ullamco ad minim veniam pariatur incididunt duis tempor et mollit velit culpa aliquip incididunt et exercitation magna officia anim ea sunt

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