UFP Industries Foundation Grant

The UFP Industries Foundation seeks to foster independence and accountability in the people and organizations we assist, while building healthy communities where we work and live.

Type of Support


Through our charitable giving and volunteerism, we encourage:

  • Opportunity and self-improvement by funding programs that promote values and notions we cherish, such as a strong work ethic, determination, entrepreneurialism, freedom, integrity and knowledge
  • A free society by funding programs that support and promote free enterprise and the virtues of independence and accountability
  • Capitalism by helping those in need who can’t help themselves, and by providing assistance to those who need a springboard to a life of independence and personal responsibility
  • A healthy natural environment by supporting long-term, pragmatic solutions that address real environmental challenges


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
not specified


Contact info
(616) 365-1529
UFP Industries Foundation, 2801 E. Beltline NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525
Review Criteria

Organizations that meet the following criteria will receive priority:

  • Fall into one of the four focus areas of our giving: opportunity and self-improvement, a free society, benevolent capitalism, a healthy environment
  • Have programs, policies, practices and/or an ideology that support and promote free enterprise, capitalism, or personal liberty
  • Work to correct, or eliminate - not to sustain, the problems or needs they claim to address through their programs
  • Wherever possible, provide a hand-up, not a hand-out
  • Have a history of success and integrity
  • Promote the participation of employees of the companies of UFP (through volunteer activities, board positions, or other engagement)
  • Are collaborative and innovative, and provide services not offered in other ways by other organizations, or that do not duplicate services offered in their geographic areas or for their specific audiences

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