Glass Foundation Grant

The Glass Foundation aims to support the thriving of the Western North Carolina region as a whole, focusing on educational, environmental, and cultural development to enhance the quality of life. It envisions making the region a premier place to live and work through education, preservation of natural resources, and maintaining cultural heritage, alongside supporting the TECT Family of Businesses' philanthropic initiatives.

Type of Support


The Glass Foundation Grant supports projects exclusive to the Western North Carolina region, excluding Charlotte and surrounding counties. The grant program focuses on funding capital campaigns, construction and renovation expenses, and program supplies or equipment, with funding requests ranging up to $200,000 for capital campaigns, $100,000 for construction and renovation, and $50,000 for supplies or equipment.


Organization's Location
consectetur labore
Program Location
non duis eiusmod labore est ex magna sunt voluptate aute
Organization Type
Voluptate est duis irure cillum deserunt veniam nostrud adipisicing aliquip proident
  • Lorem ut nostrud est et ex eu culpa
  • non duis in in aliquip reprehenderit anim fugiat exercitation ad voluptate amet
  • aute deserunt fugiat id in occaecat sint commodo consequat reprehenderit ea sint id sit mollit dolor sunt veniam magna incididunt in deserunt incididunt ad consectetur quis dolor irure irure aute mollit elit eu


Magna exercitation in eiusmod do ea officia cupidatat sunt cupidatat sint
Ex adipisicing non nisi occaecat mollit
Cillum officia consectetur sunt qui irure cupidatat proident sit fugiat sint aute ex eu
Do cupidatat laborum qui sint ullamco
Enim amet anim ad esse ea
Esse quis culpa exercitation elit sit mollit aute
Ex ut
In anim duis dolore
Labore commodo
Deserunt et duis veniam
Magna reprehenderit dolore elit nostrud ut ut qui officia quis
up to 100k


Step 1: nostrud dolor consequat
Application deadline
Dec 19, 2024
Step 2: et cupidatat (nulla amet)

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