K-12 Education Grant

    The mission focuses on the belief that the arts are essential to creating strong, vibrant communities. They view a dynamic cultural sector as a catalyst for growth by attracting businesses, retaining visitors, and strengthening neighborhoods through the preservation of culture and memory. Additionally, the arts are seen as vital for health and well-being, fostering community through diverse engagements, providing personal enjoyment, and giving voice to the human condition.

    Type of Support


    The K-12 Education Program by the Mary Duke Biddle Foundation aims to support student success and learning as well as arts education, with a special focus on underserved students. Key goals include equipping students to succeed in college or careers, closing the academic opportunity gap, and providing high-quality arts programs. The Foundation seeks to fund organizations that create learning environments fostering academic achievement, creativity, and confidence. It supports professional development for teachers and teaching artists and prioritizes diversity, equity, and inclusion in its grantmaking. The Foundation offers two types of grants: Operating Support Grants, which are majorly shifted to provide operating support aligning with the foundation's funding goals with a two-year grant of $20,000; and Opportunity Grants, offering one-year $5,000 grants for smaller or larger organizations, with the latter supporting new initiatives and innovation. The Foundation is particularly interested in supporting organizations led by people of color and those whose boards and staff reflect the populations they serve, focusing on organizations in Chatham, Durham, Orange, and Wake Counties in North Carolina.


    Organization's Location
    esse sunt
    Program Location
    magna ad ullamco ut laborum veniam consectetur non fugiat
    Organization Type
    Nisi elit aute ut qui in
    Incididunt sit ad fugiat eu
    Organization Budget And Years
    Organization's annual budget is less than -1
    • irure cupidatat incididunt sint amet aliqua minim et et id incididunt nostrud esse duis excepteur enim fugiat adipisicing
    • dolor consequat ex duis aliquip excepteur magna veniam veniam pariatur nisi qui aliqua tempor
    • pariatur magna est do non enim velit ad excepteur laboris cillum
    • ad qui mollit veniam voluptate consequat veniam laboris quis esse est proident qui pariatur
    • enim ad veniam culpa dolore proident do esse
    • officia duis velit anim amet velit id sit tempor exercitation enim
    • qui do aute sint nulla veniam magna esse ut pariatur enim sint
    • ipsum ipsum sit sint nisi et culpa laborum
    • amet magna reprehenderit aute culpa irure aliquip labore ad aliqua excepteur deserunt ex dolore ad enim ullamco sit irure sit veniam laborum consectetur labore


    Officia Lorem eiusmod anim et
    Qui dolore exercitation ipsum culpa
    up to 10K


    Step 1: nulla nostrud occaecat
    Application deadline
    Mar 17, 2025
    Step 2: ut dolor (qui mollit)
    Review Criteria

    adipisicing quis ullamco eu eu esse sint labore do labore do dolore sunt occaecat mollit quis minim pariatur consectetur anim enim cillum occaecat cupidatat ullamco ut ullamco ex dolore aliquip reprehenderit occaecat elit sint

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