Information sourced from the Foundation's 990PF or by TheShareWay.
What They Fund
The mission focuses on the belief that the arts are essential to creating strong, vibrant communities. They view a dynamic cultural sector as a catalyst for growth by attracting businesses, retaining visitors, and strengthening neighborhoods through the preservation of culture and memory. Additionally, the arts are seen as vital for health and well-being, fostering community through diverse engagements, providing personal enjoyment, and giving voice to the human condition.
The Arts
Funding for arts organizations to strengthen communities and nurture artistic talent.
Arts Education
Grants to support arts education in PreK-12 for skill and knowledge development.
Student Academic Success
Support for programs enhancing educational equity and success for students.
Duke University Grants
Support for Duke University, honoring family connections and their significance.

$6billion in active funding & 135K funder profiles from across the country
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