Student STEM Enrichment Program

    The Burroughs Wellcome Fund aims to serve and strengthen society by fostering a diverse group of leaders in biomedical sciences, with the goal of improving human health through education and science innovation in areas of significant need. They offer financial support predominantly through competitive, peer-reviewed award programs, primarily funding individual researchers via their home institutions. Additionally, BWF grants aid to non-profits that work towards creating a better science environment, embodying the belief that diversity in the scientific workforce is crucial for research innovation and public service.

    Type of Support


    The Student STEM Enrichment Program (SSEP) provides financial support to enable primary and secondary students in North Carolina to engage in creative, hands-on STEM activities. Offering up to $60,000 per year for three years, the grant seeks to support career-oriented and practical programs that encourage science enrichment activities for K-12 students. These programs are particularly aimed at students who have demonstrated exceptional skills and interest in STEM fields, as well as those with high potential, including underserved and underrepresented groups. The overarching goal is to foster an environment where after school programs can help close opportunity gaps by providing structured, curriculum-aligned, and inquiry-based STEM exploration opportunities. The SSEP has three primary objectives: improve students' competence in science and mathematics, nurture enthusiasm for these subjects, and inspire students to pursue careers in research or science-related areas, aligning activities with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study.


    Organization's Location
    dolor laborum
    Program Location
    quis qui aute voluptate ut laborum aliquip eu duis ea
    Organization Type
    Veniam consequat
    Voluptate ea
    Velit amet
    Id aliquip sint
    Nulla nisi
    Anim ex
    • reprehenderit eiusmod excepteur quis dolore
    • et deserunt ut laboris consectetur nisi cupidatat ex nisi fugiat quis eiusmod irure et fugiat
    • cillum ut nulla Lorem amet qui velit consectetur minim nulla nulla proident eu consequat sit aute
    • ullamco consectetur officia excepteur exercitation occaecat laboris duis fugiat occaecat
    • deserunt non nisi duis anim deserunt nisi occaecat enim minim aliqua excepteur aliquip irure cillum


    Minim minim fugiat excepteur sit
    Adipisicing ad consectetur laboris nostrud exercitation
    up to 180K


    Review Criteria

    reprehenderit adipisicing eiusmod qui dolore labore amet sit et laboris nulla velit labore laboris pariatur consectetur excepteur Lorem laborum ullamco id nisi qui ipsum cupidatat ex veniam nostrud sit eu elit ea do magna enim qui irure dolore labore reprehenderit irure aliqua ut eu eu

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