Burroughs Wellcome Fund

    Research Triangle Park, NC

    Information sourced from the Foundation's 990PF or by TheShareWay.

    What They Fund
    The Burroughs Wellcome Fund aims to serve and strengthen society by fostering a diverse group of leaders in biomedical sciences, with the goal of improving human health through education and science innovation in areas of significant need. They offer financial support predominantly through competitive, peer-reviewed award programs, primarily funding individual researchers via their home institutions. Additionally, BWF grants aid to non-profits that work towards creating a better science environment, embodying the belief that diversity in the scientific workforce is crucial for research innovation and public service.
    Climate Change and Health
    Small grants to promote climate change and health research.
    Student STEM Enrichment
    Funds informal STEM education projects for students.
    Climate + Health Excellence Centers
    Supports development of research, education, and communication connections.
    Number of grants
    Median grant size
    Total giving
    Average grant size
    United States map
    $6billion in active funding & 135K funder profiles from across the country
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    (555) 555-5555
    aute nisi cillum occaecat nulla do excepteur, RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC 00000
    Past Grantees
    Key People
    Louis Muglia
    President - Director
    Scott Schoedler
    V.P. Finance
    Brenda Andrews
    Board Member
    Aliqua Magna
    Irure Aute Deserunt
    Ad Irure
    Dolor Et
    Mollit Non
    Nisi Duis
    Adipisicing Exercitation
    Ut Velit
    Do Cupidatat
    Laboris Dolor
    Sit Deserunt
    Eiusmod Fugiat
    Mollit Cupidatat
    Reprehenderit Incididunt
    Anim Consectetur
    Laboris Consectetur
    Fugiat Et
    Consectetur Deserunt
    Magna Consequat
    Voluptate Excepteur
    Elit Sunt
    Irure Officia Id
    Qui Ex
    Voluptate Eu
    Aliqua Quis
    Pariatur Mollit
    Qui Consectetur
    Est Magna
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