OGE: Charitable Grant Fund

From Outdoor Gear Exchange

The Outdoor Gear Exchange Charitable Grant Fund aims to improve outdoor recreation opportunities in Vermont by supporting organizations engaged in land conservation, access, trail development, and outdoor education. They champion the cause of ensuring community health and environmental stewardship through better outdoor access and education, focusing on communities that are often underserved.

Type of Support


The broad goal of the Outdoor Gear Exchange Charitable Grant Fund is to support qualified nonprofit organizations that align with their vision of enhancing outdoor recreation and conservation efforts in Vermont. Specifically, the fund supports projects related to land conservation, access, trail development, and outdoor educational programming. The grant program awards three to six organizations bi-annually, with grants up to $2,000, funded through customer donations matched by the Outdoor Gear Exchange. Preference is given to specific aspects of local projects that foster better community access to natural landscapes and educational initiatives in outdoor settings.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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up to 2k


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