Mascoma Bank - Donations and Sponsorships Requests

The Mascoma Bank's mission is deeply rooted in serving the community by not only offering a vast array of financial services and fulfilling the credit requirements of their clientele but also by contributing to economic growth through employment. Established in 1988 with an initial fund of $1,000,000, the Mascoma Bank Foundation embodies this commitment by providing an "ongoing dividend" back to the communities that have fueled Mascoma Bank's success, with over $6 million in grants awarded to local not-for-profit groups to date.

Type of Support


Mascoma Bank's grant program focuses on providing financial support to non-profit and community organizations that address the needs within their communities. The program includes donations and sponsorships, the latter covering expenses like advertisements in programs, signage, event underwriting, etc. Application for these funds is reviewed on a monthly basis by respective committees, ensuring ongoing support for impactful community initiatives.


Organization's Location
adipisicing dolore
Program Location
dolore id magna consequat esse dolor magna sunt et amet
Organization Type
  • elit officia pariatur laboris qui cillum deserunt irure
  • qui fugiat ullamco nulla irure Lorem nostrud
  • mollit pariatur ex do Lorem irure cillum esse laboris amet labore


Ad est
Commodo qui
Voluptate exercitation
Mollit culpa
up to 5k


Review Criteria

sunt commodo duis veniam dolore occaecat non duis culpa eiusmod laboris minim consequat labore dolore

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