Lamoille and Orleans Counties: The Green Mountain Fund Grant

From Vermont Community Foundation

Better Together: Inspiring giving and bringing together people and resources to make a difference in Vermont.

Type of Support


The Green Mountain Fund grants program is dedicated to supporting projects that achieve significant impact through modest financial support. It encourages leveraging new ideas or additional funds to realize projects that would benefit children, families, and communities within its focus areas. Specifically, the fund seeks to increase access to opportunities for low-income youth and families, connect people to the environment, promote sustainability, support Vermont's climate change goals, enhance food security through local farming and production, foster community engagement for a stronger sense of connection and belonging, and improve the health and wellness of children and families. Projects in Lamoille County and the adjacent communities of Craftsbury, Greensboro, and Hardwick are of particular interest. This program prioritizes innovative and proven ideas that align with these focus areas, including requests for general operating support and new or ongoing programmatic efforts.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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Sint sunt
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Ut sunt reprehenderit cupidatat eiusmod
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Enim sint quis ad sint non incididunt
500 – 5k


Visit Apply for more information.

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