Vermont Community Action Team Grant Program

The Ben & Jerry’s Foundation aims to support and empower communities by making small grants to local, community-based Vermont non-profit programs and community celebrations. It particularly focuses on uplifting under-served populations and addressing fundamental human needs, with a commitment to community service and the enhancement of a strong volunteer base.

Type of Support


The Vermont Community Action Teams (CATs) grant program, guided by the Ben & Jerry’s Foundation, provides general or project support to improve quality of life in Vermont communities. It aims to support initiatives that focus on under-served populations including seniors, youth, low-income families, and communities of color. The program prioritizes projects that address basic human needs, improve access to essential services such as housing, food, health care, elder care, and child care, have a significant volunteer component, enjoy community support, and are not solely dependent on the Foundation for funding. Grants are generally under $2,000, and applications are reviewed monthly.


Organization's Location
cillum culpa
Program Location
Organization Type
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up to 2k


Visit Apply for more information.

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