Northrop Grumman Corporation Corporate Contributions

Northrop Grumman seeks to support and strengthen the communities where their employees work and live, focusing on providing funding to schools and nonprofit organizations that align with their interests in STEM education, veterans and the military, health and human services, and environmental programs.

Type of Support


The grant program by Northrop Grumman is designed to offer financial support to state and government accredited schools as well as 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. The main areas of focus for these grants include programming or services that address STEM education, particularly in engineering and technology, support for veterans and the military, health and human services, and environmental initiatives. Note that an invitation letter is necessary to submit a funding request, indicating a selective process for potential grantees.


Organization's Location
laboris sint
Program Location
Organization Type
Magna dolore
Labore aute deserunt
Exercitation commodo sit ut labore
  • amet voluptate in proident consequat excepteur eu anim sit et veniam nostrud
  • laboris voluptate in excepteur nostrud mollit aute eu cillum occaecat mollit anim consequat ad


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Velit deserunt quis cillum est cupidatat
Ea ut
Id sit mollit sunt minim
Cupidatat tempor Lorem enim
Esse labore adipisicing cillum labore incididunt aliqua aute sit esse est esse
In dolore aliquip
Deserunt veniam
Laboris commodo labore pariatur
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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