Craig Newmark Philanthropies Grants

    Craig Newmark Philanthropies is devoted to supporting public charities that align with its priorities, including trustworthy journalism, voter protection, women in technology, and the welfare of veterans and military families. The foundation aims to promote an honest information ecosystem, safeguard democratic participation through voter protection, bridge the gender gap in the technology sector, and support veterans and their families on a national level, indirectly benefiting local efforts through partnerships.

    Type of Support


    The grant program from Craig Newmark Philanthropies is designed to support various causes across a broad spectrum. It emphasizes promoting trustworthy journalism and combating disinformation to maintain a reliable information ecosystem. In terms of voter protection, the focus is on defending the Fifteenth Amendment through voter registration, relevant legislation and policy reforms, and enhancements to the electoral system. The initiative to narrow the gender gap in technology targets national efforts aimed at increasing the participation and success of women in the tech sector. For veterans and military families, the program supports broad national efforts that provide assistance, with a preference for funding local efforts indirectly through collaborations, such as with the Bob Woodruff Foundation. These efforts illustrate a comprehensive approach to tackling significant societal issues in line with the funder's mission.


    Organization's Location
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    Organization Type
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