Encouraging Citizen Involvement Grant

The Herb Block Foundation was established with a $50 million endowment from the late Herb Block to support the art of editorial cartooning and charitable and educational programs aligned with the causes he supported during his 72-year career. The Foundation is dedicated to defending basic freedoms, combating discrimination and prejudice, and improving the conditions of the poor and underprivileged.

Type of Support


The Herb Block Foundation's "Encouraging Citizen Involvement" grant program aims to foster a responsible and responsive democratic government by enhancing citizen engagement. It supports proposals that aim to educate citizens and increase voter participation in the electoral process. The program emphasizes that all projects must remain nonpartisan and must not engage in lobbying for specific legislation or candidates. Grants ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 will be awarded for projects with a one-year duration.


Organization's Location
ad reprehenderit
Program Location
Organization Type
Irure cupidatat exercitation tempor fugiat
  • aute nulla cillum do elit nulla eiusmod elit magna et sint incididunt


Deserunt tempor ullamco eiusmod irure sit culpa labore
Sit occaecat adipisicing ex sunt quis esse
Enim reprehenderit magna fugiat consectetur cillum sunt minim velit velit nostrud nisi ad cillum quis dolor fugiat
Minim ullamco anim cillum Lorem adipisicing minim velit sunt aliquip excepteur
5k – 25k


Step 1: nisi tempor laboris
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: aute commodo (ipsum deserunt)

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