National Goals' Grant

Established in 1992 by Lisa and Douglas Goldman, the Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund is a private foundation committed to supporting charitable organizations that enhance our society. With a focus on the San Francisco community, the Fund aims to be responsive, flexible, and make informed and responsible grants within its areas of grantmaking.

Type of Support


The grant aims to support initiatives across various sectors including Democracy & Civil Liberties, Education & Literacy, Environment, Jewish Community, and Reproductive Health & Rights with a focus on enhancing public engagement, equity, and sustainability. It prioritizes: protecting and expanding access to voting, reducing the influence of money in politics, strengthening policy against gun violence, advancing education and literacy, promoting environmental sustainability, supporting the Jewish community in contemporary relevance and combating antisemitism, and bolstering reproductive health rights and services. The geographic focus is mainly national, with specific initiatives targeted at the San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California.


Organization's Location
et laboris
Program Location
Organization Type
Tempor id labore pariatur sint aliqua
Elit aute consectetur et aliqua anim consequat ad
  • Lorem dolore nostrud nulla culpa elit amet
  • in irure do sint ullamco mollit deserunt ad sunt tempor
  • ad laboris pariatur exercitation do pariatur et aute incididunt dolor mollit reprehenderit
  • pariatur excepteur ut labore esse tempor cupidatat laborum aliquip commodo proident eiusmod eiusmod


Minim ea velit culpa
Laborum ullamco est consequat
Mollit enim
Commodo sunt enim
Non excepteur elit culpa
Ea ullamco exercitation velit
Culpa do tempor aliqua magna consectetur cupidatat officia eu ex
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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