National Goals' Grant

Established in 1992 by Lisa and Douglas Goldman, the Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund is a private foundation committed to supporting charitable organizations that enhance our society. With a focus on the San Francisco community, the Fund aims to be responsive, flexible, and make informed and responsible grants within its areas of grantmaking.

Type of Support


The grant aims to support initiatives across various sectors including Democracy & Civil Liberties, Education & Literacy, Environment, Jewish Community, and Reproductive Health & Rights with a focus on enhancing public engagement, equity, and sustainability. It prioritizes: protecting and expanding access to voting, reducing the influence of money in politics, strengthening policy against gun violence, advancing education and literacy, promoting environmental sustainability, supporting the Jewish community in contemporary relevance and combating antisemitism, and bolstering reproductive health rights and services. The geographic focus is mainly national, with specific initiatives targeted at the San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Organizations with a fiscal sponsor with 501(c)(3) status
  • Geographic focus varies by program area
  • Each organization may submit only one request per year
  • Must reapply for funding one year after the previous grant request
  • Consider requests for renewed support after the current grant period is completed


Applicants with deficit budgets
Requests for general support
Research projects
Events or conferences
Book or periodical publications
Documentary and film production
Organizations supporting the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against Israel.
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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