The mission of the Maddox Fund is to foster a world where people and the planet thrive together in regenerative systems free from oppression and threat. They focus on evolving in response to their community's changing needs, ensuring connections between individuals, nature, and supporting a culture of internal growth and partnership.
The Maddox Fund supports initiatives aimed at fostering connections and a sense of belonging among youth, prioritizing work with BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and immigrant & undocumented youth. It emphasizes out-of-school learning, post-secondary access, diversifying education leadership, and youth and education advocacy to create conditions where youth thrive. Additionally, it focuses on connecting people and the planet, advocating for regenerative policies and practices, and supports environmental sustainability with a commitment to racial justice. Specific environmental areas include community-based nature programs, diversifying environmental leadership, and hunting & fishing programs, along with environmental advocacy aiming at youth-led power building for sustainable futures. Responsive Grants ranging from $10-15,000 are available year-round for advocacy, direct services, capacity and care, supporting program delivery, capacity building, and organizational care in focus areas.
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