Progressive Multiplier Grants

From Progressive Multiplier Fund

The Progressive Multiplier aims to shift the progressive movement towards scale, self-determination, and sustainability. It offers a high-leverage investment opportunity for philanthropy, focusing on strengthening the independent financial position of movement groups.

Type of Support


The grant program supports established mass market revenue generation programs that seek to build their foundation. It offers grants of approximately $25,000 for projects lasting up to twelve months, with the possibility of receiving up to two consecutive Test Grants. Grantees also receive twenty hours of fundraising consulting. The program looks for projects that contribute to realizing democracy through informed, engaged communities; achieving justice by addressing equality barriers; and restoring the environment, emphasizing the right to a clean and healthy environment for all.


Organization's Location
qui id
Program Location
Organization Type
Sit incididunt excepteur
Commodo aute est ea
Enim proident
Officia sit eu minim commodo excepteur laborum
Lorem cupidatat ea pariatur consectetur eiusmod dolore voluptate esse consequat
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Non occaecat aute deserunt elit ad


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