Emily Davie and Joseph S. Kornfeld Foundation Grant

    From Emily Davie and Joseph S. Kornfeld Foundation

    The Emily Davie and Joseph S. Kornfeld Foundation, established by Emily Davie Kornfeld, aims to carry forward Mrs. Kornfeld’s philanthropic legacy in medical research for pain control and treatment, enhancement of individual choices in medical treatment, dying, palliative care, education, community service, and civic engagement. The foundation seeks transformative change for vulnerable and marginalized communities through catalytic and flexible funding, including multi-year and general operating support, and emphasizes advocacy and connection-building for its grantees.

    Type of Support


    The grant program of The Emily Davie and Joseph S. Kornfeld Foundation is designed to support organizations that focus on empowering vulnerable and marginalized communities towards transformational change. This includes backing for initiatives in civic engagement, such as challenging threats to democracy, empowerment of communities, activism, policy advocacy, community organizing, and movement building. It also extends to arts education, particularly initiatives that promote creativity in young people through visual and performing arts, specifically targeting students in New York City Public Schools by supporting classroom partnerships and after-school programs. The foundation offers flexibility in its funding, providing both general operating support and project or program support, with a commitment to actively championing the work of its grantees by advocating to other funders and connecting them with peer or complementary organizations.


    Organization's Location
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    Organization Type
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