Sillis Family Foundation Grants

The Sills Family Foundation aims to support children from low-income families to achieve their highest potential. Focusing on comprehensive services to families in crisis, especially those impacted by incarceration, the foundation seeks to enhance the parent/child bond during and after incarceration with educational and artistic programs within correctional facilities. It also addresses inequities in the criminal justice system and supports policy enhancements. Additionally, the foundation supports underserved communities through access to early education, reduction of neighborhood violence, assistance for immigrants, refugees, and asylees, environmental justice focusing on protecting children from toxic pollutants, and arts education to empower under-resourced communities.

Type of Support


The Sills Family Foundation's primary grants program concentrates on several key areas to support children from low-income families and communities. These areas include:

  1. Providing comprehensive services to families affected by incarceration, aiming to strengthen family bonds through various supportive measures.
  2. Enhancing support to underserved communities by improving access to early education and reducing neighborhood violence, thereby intervening in cycles of criminal involvement.
  3. Assisting immigrants, refugees, and asylees by providing them with the necessary support to build better lives in the US.
  4. Promoting environmental justice with an emphasis on protecting children and vulnerable populations from the harmful effects of toxic pollutants.
  5. Supporting arts and culture initiatives that offer artistic opportunities to underserved populations, believing in the transformative power of arts education and cultural activities.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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10k – 25k


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