The funder's mission focuses on supporting solutions, services, and programs that incorporate input and guidance from those most impacted by specific issues. They believe in the importance of community-driven approaches to system design and encourage partnerships and networking among organizations to efficiently provide resources without unnecessary duplication. Central to their mission are the principles of nurturing relationships, engaging communities, and implementing innovative solutions tailored to local needs and cultural contexts.
The grant program aims to provide sponsorship for nonprofit organizational events or projects. Specific causes supported include initiatives that are designed with significant community input and that aim to meet local needs in innovative ways. Sponsorship grants are available on a year-round basis, subject to the availability of funds. Organizations interested in applying must submit a letter or email detailing their organization, the event or project in question, and the requested amount of funding at least 60 days prior to the event. The maximum funding available through these sponsorships is up to $3,000.
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