Whitehead Foundation Grants Program

The Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation is committed to improving the lives of those in need in metro Atlanta, especially children, by supporting education, health, and economic opportunities. By funding organizations with strong leadership and community support, the Foundation aims to extend the reach of services that address ongoing needs, favoring collaborative funding over principal funding, unless the initiative is compelling and the need is significant.

Type of Support


The Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation grants focus on enhancing the quality of life through support in distinct program areas:

  1. Early Childhood Education - Funding initiatives that improve early childhood education quality and access in metro Atlanta, with a focus on school readiness, teacher professional development, and early language and literacy.

  2. K-12 Education - Aiming to elevate education in Georgia and specifically within Atlanta Public Schools by funding initiatives that address educational standards, teacher quality, school leadership, graduation rates, and college access.

  3. Children & Youth - Dedicated to child welfare improvement and youth development, the Foundation funds efforts that provide residential or therapeutic care and support organizations that aid underserved youth in metro Atlanta.

  4. Human Services - Supporting human services organizations that address the needs of homeless and low-income individuals in metro Atlanta, including job training, adult and family services, and housing solutions.

  5. Health - Committed to strengthening the health safety net, the Foundation makes grants primarily for capital projects and capacity building of health organizations serving low-income families and underserved populations, with an emphasis on improving health outcomes for children.

Each program area targets specific priorities that align with the Foundation's goal of fostering a stronger, healthier, and more educated community in metro Atlanta.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
Incididunt consequat irure irure fugiat et
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up to 20M


Review Criteria

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