Joseph E. and Marjorie B. Jones Foundation Grants

From Joseph E. and Marjorie B. Jones Foundation

The Joseph E. and Marjorie B. Jones Foundation aims to enhance the quality of life for individuals, particularly in the greater Washington, D.C. area (DC/MD/VA), by investing in human services, health care, and education initiatives. The Foundation believes in the importance of civic duty, the inherent worth and dignity of all individuals, and that with proper resources, everyone can improve their lives. It emphasizes solving civic challenges through cooperation and partnership with businesses and individuals to support local charitable efforts.

Type of Support


The goals of the grant program are focused on building partnerships to effect positive change in the Metropolitan Washington, DC area, maintaining independence and objectivity, providing financial support to inspiring organizations, fostering individual and community progress, and supporting organizations that strengthen community trust and infrastructure. The Foundation is committed to working with various stakeholders to achieve these objectives and is keen on supporting initiatives that align with their mission of improving lives in their focus areas.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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