No One Way (N1W) Grant

From Webber Family Foundation

For over two decades, the Webber Family Foundation has been committed to breaking the cycle of generational poverty through education. As part of this commitment, the foundation has invested millions in resources and expertise to help build hundreds of exceptional education nonprofits predominantly in the Central Texas and Washington DC regions.

Type of Support


N1W grants will fund a wide variety of projects and organizations that are working to bridge divides and promote healthy conflict.

  • Projects and organizations that operate in education settings (K-12, higher education, youth development, etc.) as well as in other settings (workplace, civic roundtables, culture-shifting, etc.)
  • Interest areas include belonging and community building; freedom of speech; academic freedom; collaborative problem solving and conflict resolution; engaging productively across differences; depolarization and other forms of culture change.


Organization's Location
sunt ex
Program Location
ipsum nulla sit id enim laboris proident labore
Organization Type
not specified


Step 1: qui ullamco sint
Application deadline
Jan 18, 2025
Step 2: occaecat laborum (fugiat dolor)
Contact info