Promising Futures Grants: Human Justice

From The New York Community Trust

As New York’s community foundation, we foster and engage in enduring and innovative philanthropy.

Type of Support


The "Promising Futures" grant program aims to create significant positive changes in various societal areas by offering support in multiple key facets. The program targets the empowerment of young individuals, enhancing job training and placement opportunities, reforming educational and justice systems to be inclusive and fair, providing relief from hunger and homelessness, improving family and child welfare services, and advancing the field of social work. Specifically, under the focus area of Human Justice, the program aspires to foster a more efficient and equitable civil and criminal justice system. This is achieved through supporting research and monitoring of city court practices and advocating for their improvement. The grants support advocacy, legal representation, and litigation efforts to protect civil rights and respond to urgent legal needs, especially in situations where other funding is scarce. They also aim at finding innovative ways to resolve legal problems for low-income New Yorkers, thereby enhancing their quality of life. This includes experimenting with different service delivery methods, linking legal assistance to other key outcomes like reducing homelessness, and building the capacity of legal-service nonprofits to better track and communicate the impacts of their work.


Organization's Location
id quis
Program Location
amet id nisi non cillum in irure ea qui voluptate
Organization Type
Minim irure
  • ullamco qui et minim laborum excepteur voluptate deserunt commodo amet sunt eiusmod
  • laborum exercitation sunt culpa elit commodo fugiat culpa commodo adipisicing velit anim enim labore esse consectetur et dolor aute do laborum veniam ex qui
  • velit enim in amet consequat adipisicing aliquip incididunt aute amet ut duis minim dolore esse irure sunt commodo id
  • irure commodo sint mollit officia incididunt esse aute


Duis sunt officia non
Cupidatat aliqua excepteur deserunt enim
Quis laboris
In eu
Reprehenderit id anim
Proident eiusmod
Culpa deserunt sunt laboris quis
5k – 200k


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